Education is the answer
We believe that an excellent education is the world’s most powerful ticket to a life filled with greater opportunity.

Rethink time and space
We believe that schools and learning centres must think beyond traditional spaces and timetables. Because the majority of children spend 89% of their waking hours outside school buildings.

Love and justice
We believe that our schools must play a central role in building a country filled with love and rooted in a more just social contract. Our children are ready to lead, today.

Innovation and excellence
We believe that we must simultaneously innovate and leverage best practices. We’ve learned a lot about what kids need to succeed. And yet, our educational system is both imperfect and unfinished.

Schools need reinventing
We believe that the world has changed, workforce skill requirements have changed. And unless India’s education system changes as well, our children won’t be prepared for the 21st century.
Our Vision
We envision an India that is free of poverty and filled with love. Every Indian child, regardless of caste, religion, gender, or socioeconomic status, will live a life filled with opportunity and choice. All children will have the chance to fulfill their aspirations and dreams
Our Mission
We are committed to building a reimagined circle of schools, after-school programs, and teachers that, together, offer every child in India expanded opportunity to succeed and change the world.
We have five foundational beliefs that guide everything we do at The Circle. We believe that they can help India progress beyond poverty to an enriching future.